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League of American Orchestras, “The Hub” reference to SFCV “To Beat or Not to Beat?”
SF Examiner May 7, 2021 SFS return to Davies Hall, quote by Barbara Bogatin
San Francisco Symphony Fire Relief Benefit Concert
San Francisco Symphony Fire Relief Benefit Concert

Juilliard Journal Article Leads to Alumnae Collaboration, 2013
My collaboration with composer Dalit Warshaw (MM 1997, DMA, 2003) was foreshadowed 26 years ago, at a memorial concert for the pianist Nadia Reisenberg, former Juilliard faculty member, at Merkin Hall in 1989. I was there as an audience member, Dalit as a teenage performer of her own works for piano. I was impressed by […]

Corte Madera Patch Interview by Pam Feinsilber, 2011
A couple of weeks ago, the new session of the book group I lead at Book Passage had its first meeting. That’s where I met Barbara Bogatin—who had read not only the book we would discuss with its writer, but her previous book, delighting the author, needless to say. Even more impressive, Bogatin told us […]

Juilliard Journal Tribute to Albert Fuller, Extraordinary Musician; 2008
The Big Picture, and the Most Essential Truth—That Was Albert https://web.archive.org/web/20070617110611/http://www.juilliard.edu/journal/2007-2008/0712/articles/0712_Fuller-Bogatin.html It’s amazing how many people who had the great pleasure of working with Albert consider him not just teacher, but mentor. Yes, he was an “early-music specialist,” but what he taught was all of music, and not just how to play with others, but […]